Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre has recently been provided with some much needed funding to purchase resources, equipment and activities for our their Children's Program.
From grassroots beginnings over 40 years ago, safe steps Family Violence Response Centre has grown to become the leading first response service in Victoria for women and their children experiencing family violence.
Today, safe steps provides 24/7 expert intervention, support, advocacy and referral pathways to women and children throughout Victoria to ensure that those at highest risk receive an immediate family violence response to keep them from harm.
Last year, safe steps provided over 20,000 emergency accommodation beds each year to women and children who need assistance to escape immediate risk of serious injury or death. Over 50 per cent of those accommodated were under the age of 18 - the majority of whom were children escaping family violence with their mothers.
Our Children's Program aims to support and help educate children and young people accommodated in our refuge who have experienced family violence, as well as help them express and resolve their feelings, giving them strategies to cope with the situation.
Safe Steps Fundraising Manager, Kristine Robertson (pictured with Foundation Director David Gibbs) wishes to thank Freemasons Foundation Victoria Limited and the wider Freemasons Victoria community for their ongoing support.