Prior to establishment of the Foundation, and to ensure that Freemasons would be in control of the Foundation in perpetuity, it was agreed, and written into the Freemasons Benevolent Fund trust deed, that the three most senior Freemasons in Victoria would always be Members of Freemasons Foundation Victoria.
In keeping with this rule we are pleased to advise that the following changes have recently been made.
The term of office of MWBro Bob Jones, being then Immediate Past Grand Master, came to an end at the Grand Installation held in April 2016 and he retired from his office in the Foundation. Our appreciation of his contribution to the Foundation has been extended to MWBro. Jones.
RWBro Keith Murray, Deputy Grand Master, being then eligible, was elected a Member. At a subsequent meeting of the Members MWBro. Don Reynolds was elected Chairman of Members and will serve in that office until the end of his term as Grand Master.
The present Members of Freemasons Foundation are therefore as follows: Chairman: MWBro. Don Reynolds MWBro. Hillel Benedykt RWBro. Keith Murray RWBro. George Sutherland RWBro. John Maynard
Advance notice is given that the Annual General Meeting of the Foundation will be held in Coppin Hall, 45 Moubray Street, Melbourne, on Wednesday 9th November, 2016. All Freemasons will be invited to attend this meeting.
As numbers attending the meeting will be required for catering purposes a further notice will be issued at the appropriate time so that those proposing to attend the meeting can advise their intention to do so in advance