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Bikes and trikes for Swan Hill Specialist School

Swan Hill Specialist School caters for the education of 100 local students with intellectual disabilities, aged 5 – 18 years. Some of these students travel up to 90 minutes to access the school. Many of these students have additional challenges from associated conditions that affect their sensory needs and physical abilities.

Over time the school has built and maintained a bike track around the grounds. The track gives students opportunities for physical activity both as a curriculum activity and as a leisure activity. 'Bike Ed' is part of the physical education program, and the aim is for every student to be able to ride a bike. For able-bodied students, the necessary equipment can be managed with school funds, however it becomes a challenge for students who require specific bikes, trikes, or significant adaptations to bikes to enable them to ride.

Freemasons from Swan Hill’s Murray Lodge recognised the need for these special trikes, and together with Freemasons Foundation Victoria, donated $5000 toward this special equipment to help students overcome their disabilities, and help them experience the wonderful activity of bike-riding along with their peers.

Pictured: Freemasons Wor Bro Robert Sheridan, Wor Bro Gary Slater, and Rt Wor Bro James Thompson OAM with Swan Hill Specialist School students

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