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Mr. David Gibbs is a business strategist and adviser with a reputation for

developing wise and practical solutions to personal, family and business financial problems.

His career to date in financial matters spans some 35 years. During this time, David has seen the effects of many business cycles and the succession of management with a wide range of business operations. This experience has sharpened his passion for Family Enterprises, Corporate Governance and the identification and management of risk.


David currently chairs and participates in a wide range of family business and other governance Boards, Teams and Committees. Working with other professionals in a collaborative way is a hallmark of David’s style and the basis of the Family Business Consultants Network of which David is a founding director. David is an accredited family business advisor. He is a committed supporter and office bearer of several community-based and youth organisations, including the Cancer Council  Victoria and as a foundation director of the Australian Communities Foundation. David also served as the Chairman of the Victorian State Council of Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand and was bestowed Life Membership in 2020.

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