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In order to receive financial support from the Foundation you will need to complete an application form which includes details of your assets and liabilities, and your normal income and expenses.


Why do we need this information? 

The Foundation is obliged to comply with tax office rules which require that financial support can only be given to Freemasons in financial need.


What does financial need mean? 

It means that you do not have sufficient liquid assets (cash or assets quickly convertible to cash) to cover your immediate expenditure needs.


Do the Lodge members need to know of my financial situation?

No!  Your application should not be discussed in open Lodge.


Who needs to sign and verify my application?

Generally, the Worshipful Master, Secretary and Almoner.


Will my information be kept confidential? 

Both the above officers and the Foundation are required to respect your privacy and will only disclose your information to those involved in reviewing and approving your application.


How long does it take to approve my application? 

Usually, your application will be approved within a few days, but if there is an urgent need for payment a relatively small amount can be advanced immediately following receipt of your application. If you do not provide all the information requested or we require further information it will delay the approval process.


Is there a qualifying period for assistance?

Yes. You would normally be required to be on the register of Grand Lodge for a continuous period of 5 years. The Board may at its discretion consider the application if your affiliation is less than 5 years.


What if I have been excluded, suspended or expelled?

You would not be entitled to any assistance during this time.


What items are not covered?

FFV does not provide assistance for business debt, credit card, gambling debts, bank overdrafts or loans.

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